Thursday, August 7, 2014

What are your opinions worth

I have opinions. We all do. The important thing to remember about opinions: you are going to die and so are your opinions.
Our opinions form structure and standards in our lives. But what is good, or bad, for us may not be for another person. I was listening to a young woman tell me how she was mad at her sister for having a baby so soon after her sister was married. The young woman believed that a couple should be married for at least a year before having a child. Okay.
I responded that it is a good idea to wait awhile to have a baby, but that is a choice each couple must make. I talked with her about the standards or opinions, she sets for herself, and how these standards are what will guide her life. However, these personal standards, or opinions, are for her, and don’t guide or govern those around her.
This conversation reminded me of how important we as individuals think our opinions are. I recalled the discouragement and dismay I have seen when opinions are thrown around like the truth.

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