Showing posts with label Poetic Observations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetic Observations. Show all posts

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sacred Things

Sacred things.
Keeping secrets,
Listening when you’re busy
Holding memories tight
And opening your heart.

Loving the unlovely
Smiling when you’re worn
Patiently tying a child’s shoe
And opening your heart.

For all the sacred thoughts and dreams
For holy smiles and words
For sunshine on a winter’s day
We hold our sacred things
Gently, like young children,
And sacredly open our hearts.

Copyright penstruck

Friday, November 5, 2010

What is Mercy

This is mercy.
The sense of dread is gone.
My shoulders lightened,
And smiling goes deeper than my lips,
Into my thoughts, into my eyes.
The everyday is restored with greeting.

I am looking forward to the usual,
Dusting, sweeping, paying bills.
Grateful thanks I awoke this morning.
No one was dead, no one was screaming.
No person was demanding my time, my decision, my thoughts
Today is mine. And I am happy.

Just a simple prayer. “Jesus, help.”
He did, and has, restored my life:
Because life isn’t always dreams fulfilled or desires obtained,
It is the everyday:
The joy of coffee, raindrops on the windows
And the sun rising,
The anticipation of joy.

copyright penstruck

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dancing on the Path

Is this why I danced?
With daisies in my hair
Wore skirts so short
My cheeks were constant blush
And mothered children:

To slip so quietly into assisted living and oatmeal

The past is paved within me
Roads and rooms so filled with what has been
Built upon the gentle stones of schoolyards and promise
Cemented with ambition and dreams
Sorrows and despair.
There are worlds within me,
My vision shines with them
Alive and touching all that I am
Sinew in my soul, whittled wisdoms in my thoughts.

Such eyes as these should not close
With nothing to remember that the future glides
On my footsteps.

Copyright Penstruck

Friday, February 8, 2008

Poetry Techniques

I participate in writing subjects at I am able to exercise my writing skills, and discipline myself to compose information I may not necessarily think of on my own. Part of this writing is rating the other writers. It gives me a chance to see how others are writing, and their views on subjects.

I was reading an essay on Poetry Techniques. It was very long, and very well researched. I was somewhat amazed by the amount of information telling poets how to write. I understand timing, rhyme, false rhyme and certain techniques. I have used them for creative writing projects in college.

But poetry is more than being able to combine words and meter. At least, for me it is. Normally, when I write a poem, it springs from a thought. I have a poem “The Dancer”. This did take a couple of years to write, because what I had for the poem were the last lines “Old woman sits in a chair, Her future recedes”.

This came when I was camping. Relaxing in the sun, I was thinking about life, where it’s going, how it’s going to end up, I ponder a lot. I saw the woman in my mind, rocking on a porch, hands folding in her lap, looking at the trees. How did she get there? All of her life played before her, and she was smiling.

When I write, normally, I hear the rhythm. As I put the thought into words, the computer keyboard becomes a piano, the syllables are notes, the pauses occur in the phrase. I sometimes go over it a few times, but honestly, it more often comes out just the way it sounds. Sometimes, it’s really good. Like my poem WOE. When you read this, you can feel the slow march of the Israelites, the heat, and the despair. The pace increases, and you can feel the joy. This is a really good poem.

I have a dark poem published on Helium. Today its number 236 of 1,337. That’s good. This is one of my stronger poems; I usually don’t publish the dark stuff. There is too much of it out there these days. Sometimes I think today’s poets have a mindset that trouble and discontent are the backbone of poetry. I don’t share that view.

Poetry is a dance, a celebration of life. Life has darkness, but it contains real joy, and fun. I just had a poem on breathing come to mind. Aren’t you glad you can breath? Doesn’t the sun fill you with hope? Misery passes. It really does. Oh, you say, you don’t know about my life! But really, I know about mine. If I told you all the sad and awful things that have happened to me, you’d sit down and be thankful for your life. I once read in a book about the Tree of Sorrows. When the people died, they were allowed to march around the tree with others, and could pick a different life. In the end, they chose their own.

This is a fun poem: WORDS

Never is a big word
Always seems so huge
I stand and face such verbiage
I am thoroughly confused.

Sometimes seems so normal
Maybe is benign
Could be fills with promise
Someday passes time.

What about the real words
Like yes and no and do?
Could be sometime someday
Maybe always never, too.

This is the dark poem APPARITION

You are an apparition.
Whispering worthy words into my ear
Wooing me with woeful tales of regret
Leading me to your persuasive prison
Where it is cold and dark
And no love lives.

Cold hearts, I know them well.
They cast their spell
And stand inside their walls
Believing they can live
Without touching
And have without holding
All the while, their hearts are molding
And dying, and they are deceived.

But they can’t care,
Because their delight is like night
And their smiles are darkness
Eyes filled with promise and deceit
They live in heat
That burns and kills the sweetness

Then suddenly, they are surprised
By death.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Facing the Challenges of Life

I have challenges in my life, times of trouble, sometimes I am afraid. I believe God is good, all the time. So I choose to hope, I choose to believe. Sometimes I have to laugh at myself, I am no one really, another soul.

I am misled by my own passions, deceived by my desires, and I am inpatient. A Bozo, really. But isn't that why Jesus died?

Not so that I could be "holy" and walk around in a cloud. Not so I could sit around with others and talk about the decline of the world. But that I could bring hope. I know that we are bad and good, we do the best we can.
Hope never fails.

I hear the Lord, He calls to me,
"Believe Me one more day,
I'm on your side,
I'm in your heart,
I won't turn you away.
Pick up the laughter,
hold the joy,
Embrace the dream, and stay.
Grab hold the hope,
Protect your thoughts,
For now I make the way.
Like streams
Where none have been before,
Where desert roses bloom,
I am Creator, pure and good.
The way will be clear soon."

Sunday, December 30, 2007

What is Woe

The Israelites stayed in the desert because they refused to make the decision to walk by faith, and not by sight.

Struggling in this sifting sand
with no firm ground below,
Among this crowd of nomads,
wondering in woe.
Wandering within these walls
of blue and white hot light,
Days spent walking forward,
Resting quieter each night.

Finding bread each morning
spread across the sands like dew.
Witnessing a stone be struck
and waters flowing through.
Following a column
lighting one step at a time,
What now seems so uncertain,
was it once so all divine?
My legs do not grow weary,
my clothes do not decay,
I follow, I am silent,
I do not know the way.

I'm curious about the land
beyond what I can see.
I know the land that's now behind
and burns my memory:
As fear and worry captures me
I ponder at my plight
Give voice to discontentment
And rail against this flight.

To choose to stay, or choose to slow?
But if I leave, where will I go?
Dwelling in the land now past
Freedom was my dream.
But in these walls of desert
what freedom can be seen?
I cry aloud, to God..
And pause. Wipe blinding sand aside.
I remember I was rescued
I walked through walls of tide.

My steps grow quick, a song burst forth.
I lift my voice, now strong.
I hear the praises echo
through this great nomadic throng.
I look up to the light again-
A steady constant glow.
And steady now my heart responds
That where it leads, I'll go.
I know now what is woe.


Love is vulnerable and fierce. Love is like a Tiger, gentle and fierce at once.

This love I have for you:
It never leaves me.
Time can't touch it.
The hurts and heartspills
Take archers aim,
But cannot pierce the mark.
Love overtakes me,
Though I flee like a gazelle:
It is a tiger, and love brings me to my knees.
Dreamlike, love surrounds me.
While I struggle to remain in reality
It's visions cloud my eyes
And I am consumed with your nearness.
Sometimes I move inside your thoughts,
An alternate self,
Frightened, I embrace this love.
It fits so well,And silence does not still it.


Dancer-a surprise reflection of self

I glance into the mirror
And see
The golden child upon the stairs.
Still smiling from beneath the cares:
I see my face, eyes wise and worn,
Behind the child's eyes,
Tinged forlorn.

I hear her music:
Memories lilting past,
Turning to listen
I see that happy dancer
Giggling on the stairs,
Pirouetting through the seasons.
Leaving the cement walking to the woman outside.
Smiling from the stairs,
Still the golden child, but not.

Old woman sits rocking on the porch.
She is only yesterday, her future recedes.
And in the twilight
She sees the ballerina,